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Saturday, 26 December 2009

Snowy daze

Christmas eve, the best day to go out and enjoy.

Now this Christmas (eve) was special… COS IT SNOWED!!!!!!
It was just phenomenal!

So we went out and built a snowman called Frosty 2.

I made the body and my brother built the head.

My dog went crazy at the return of snow because the only time he’s seen snow was on my birthday.

After that we had a snowball war (the pain).

I hope you had a merry xmas too.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Little pizza kitchen

This restaurant is just little, but it's my pick! It is such a thing to only be on St Johns road, I think it should be on Bold Street. When I first ever tasted the food I was literally in Heaven! Not just the food was great, but the service was 1st class! (You can probably see I liked it by all of the exlaimation marks I've put down) It's handy as-well because I live close to it.

44 St John's Road,
Waterloo, Liverpool,
L22 9QG,
United Kingdom

Twitter: @LilPizzakitchen
Phone: 0151 286 1299
Web: www.littlepizzakitchen.com

Saturday, 14 February 2009


I've just got a dog called Billy. We bought it from Jade Wright who works for the Liverpool Echo. She named it after her older dog, Billy. This is Bill's profile; date of birth:14/11/08 cost:£300 personality:being mad. For some strange reason he bites people on T.V.