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Monday 4 October 2010

Viva Brazil

On Sunday 3rd October I went to Viva Brazil. It is a Brazilian restaurant on Castle Street, Liverpool.

There is a set price and you get to eat all you want - £9.95 for people under 10.

There’s a salad bar including: mashed potato, new potatoes, olives and brocolli with cheese and lots of different spicy stews.

When we went over to the salad bar, I had a huge leaf of lettuce, olives and mashed potato. My favourite of these foods was the mashed potato. It had no bits in and had a lovely texture.

When we got back to the table we found some coloured cards there. On one side of the card it said ‘no thanks’ in red writing. On the other side it said ‘yes please’ in green writing.

Now, normally a waiter will pass by with some meats, it could be lamb, chicken, pork or ham (I also ate a chicken's heart which was, surprisingly, quit nice). If he/she passes with a meat you like and that you want to eat, you flip your card over to ‘yes please’, if not you keep it on ‘no thanks’.

The first meat we had was lamb, it was very tender. The next was chicken wings, they were alright but could be better. We also had pork and ham, the ham was my favourite meat of all. It had a really nice meaty flavour.

After I’d had enough meats, I went to get some chocolate cake. It wasn’t the best chocolate cake I’ve ever had and the icing wasn’t very good. But hey, coconut isn't my thing!

Food: 8/10
Service: 8/10

Viva Brazil
36 Castle Street, Liverpool, L2 ONR.
Tel: 0151 236 8080

1 comment:

Professor Y. Chucklebutty said...

That was a very good review indeed. That Vera Brasso place sounds like it could be well worth a visit.

But if I can lay my cards on the table, I am not sure about the cards on the table. Can you bring your own? Perhaps one that says "Free Cake" or "Complimentary Champagne" or "If you can read this card, you are standing too close to our table, so clear off, I'll give you a shout if I want something"

I am not sure I would want the chocolate cake, not if it's got coconuts in it. I am not a fan of coconuts either, although when I was young one of the most played records we had in our house, on an old 78rpm, was Mr Harry Belafonte singing "Coconut Woman"

At the time, we only had three records so this was played quite a lot. Now just so there is no misunderstanding, this was a song about a woman who sold coconuts not about a woman who was mistaken for a coconut or teased for having a hairy face and sticky-up hair.

You can listen to it on Hugh Tube, here's the link.


Still very popular at the disco, I would imagine. Let's get it to the Christmas number one spot. (People keep saying that on Bookface)

Now one thing I must ask you about, is when you mentioned eating a huge lettuce leaf. May I ask what colour was the tablecloth in the restaurant? If they were green, I once made that same mistake. I didn't eat it all, only about 2 feet of it and then noticed all the plates started moving towards me the more I chewed it. It was the same night I set fire to my hair mistaking the candle for a breadstick. Well they do flambé everything these days.

But an excellent review, they should give you a free tin of Ham for this. Make sure it is proper stuff not that criminal ham. They say it's reformed meat but you can never be sure.